Gun Milan or Horoscope Match Analysis - Free Demo by Astroutils

Gun Milan Analysis

Gun Milan also known as horoscope matching or kundli milan is a practice in tranditional indian astrology to check compatibility of a couple before marriage. Most of the familities who believe in Indian Astrology, consult an astrologer for Gun Milan (Kundli Milan) before finalizing a marriage. According to Indian Astrology, moon has a big impact on personality, nature and behaviour of a person.

In the process of Gun Milan, the birth charts (horoscopes) of boy and girl are matched in eight different aspects and from each way of matching, a score is assigned to couple for their marriage compatibility. Each of the eight scores is reflection of compatibility of the couple about one factor like Spiritual Development, being cooperative, auspiciousness, sexual compatibility, temperamental, happiness/longevity, having children etc.

Each of the eight matching fators in Gun Milan has a maximum score of 1 to 8 which sums up to 36 at total. A couple having score less than 18 in Gun Milan is not considered good for marriage.

Here you can check your Gun Milan score for free. Fill in the birth details of boy and girl below to check their marriage compatibilty according to Indian Astrology Gun Milan

Note: These are software generated reports based on Gun Milan as per taditional Indian astrology. You should consult with an astrologer before any final decision. This report is a demo of Online Gun Milan for Astrology Webmasters. If you fall in or break from a relationship based on this gun milan score, that is your decision or your sole responsibility and understanding.

Please provide following details for Gun Milan Analysis
Boy Birth Details
Date/time of Birth: *Calendar
City *
Longitude: o'
Latitude: o'
Time Difference: *Time difference from GMT. Like -5.5 for India
Girl Birth Details:
Date/time of Birth: *Calendar
City *
Longitude: o'
Latitude: o'
Time Difference: *Time difference from GMT. Like -5.5 for India
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